Members and friends of Teamsters Local 429 came together to support a great cause at the 32nd Annual Deborah Hospital/Teamsters 429 Golf Tournament.
This year Teamsters Local Union No. 429 raised over $35,000.00 to be donated to
the Deborah Hospital at its 32nd Annual Golf Tournament. We would like to thank
everyone that helped by donating their time and also all the companies that gave
monetary donations as well as items for door prizes, raffle drawings, food items
and beverage items. It is through donations and fundraisers like this one, run by
Local 429, that Deborah Heart and Lung Center is able to carryon its humanitarian
mission. Thanks to all of you for making this golf tournament and fundraiser such
a great success.
The Board of Trustees of Local 429
1st Place Team |
2nd Place Team |
3rd Place Team |
Closest to Pin - Hole #3 - won Putter and Golf Bag - Will Waughtel
Longest Drive - Hole #4 - won Driver and Golf Bag - Dave Miller
Closest to Pin - Hole #6 - won Putter and Golf Bag - Bob Genslinger
Closest to Pin - Hole #13 - won Putter and Golf Bag - Mike Nawa
Closest to Pin - Hole #14 - won Putter and Golf Bag - Richard Marsh